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Private Tea Ceremony

Pu-erh Tea Ceremony

  • 2 hours
  • 150 US dollars
  • St. Petersburg

Service Description

In the hustle of daily life, where notifications never stop and to-do lists seem endless, there's a pause waiting for you in the Pu-erh Tea Ceremony. Think of it as a much-needed reset button—a moment to breathe, to reflect, and to simply be. As you settle in and listen to the gentle boil of water and careful movements of tea preparation, you're gently nudged to slow down, just as the tradition has invited for thousands of years. It's not just about sipping tea; it's about reconnecting with a deeper part of yourself. Imagine a safe grounded space where tea becomes a bridge between the modern and the ancient, a timeout from the daily grind. Our Pu-erh Tea Ceremony introduces you to living tea, a symbol of nature's unfiltered beauty amidst our filtered lives. So, take a break, dive into a ritual that's both calming and invigorating, and let every sip be a reminder that in this fast-paced world, it's okay to slow down sometimes. With much love and gratitude, I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Contact Details

Located on the top floor Pillar of Light, 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

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